The eng lang has nevs been this much fun!

There are 2 kinds of people in this world. There are those who love abbreviating; find it fascinating, useful and hilarious. Then there are those who say they hate abbreves, but secretly love them; ie, are mad that they cannot figure out what people are saying/writing. Its not just a sub-language, its a way of life.

Abbreves are more than deleting the end of your words as you say them, Abbreviating is ab manipulating the Eng lang in a way that turns the ordinary task of conversation into the most fun you will ever have. Throw one fun abbreve into your life, examp - totes inapprope, and before you know it, abbreviating will be your favie form of communicat. You will find that those around you are intoxicated by your unique and amazingly entertaining way of speaking, and soon enough, hate it or love it, they will find themselves abbreviating back to you in spite of themselves. Abbreves are a guilty pleasure - do not be surprised if you find yourself partying abbreve sty, dating abbreve sty, evs studying abbreve sty.

So peace out with your abbreve out, the Eng lang has nevs been this much fun!

call me tweet me if you wanna reach me


how to spot an hmp before you're trapped!

We all love new besties, right? WRONG. Sometimes. New besties should be chosen very caref. The worst thing that can happ is when you think you absol love a pers, and then you start to see that they are really just anoth hmp (high maintenance puppy/princess). There are impt diffs btwn these:

: when this potentch bestie constantly needs attn; blows up your cell 24/sevs wondering what you're doing and wanting to be included; inability to chill out and watch tv for 20 min while you get ready or are doing smthg else.

hmp(rincess): this is the worst type of hmp. It is usj a girl (picture anyone on My Super Sweet Sixteen); probs won't have fun in any given activ if it wasn't her idea; generally sports a bitch face; impaysh and better have what she wants when she wants or a temp tant is likely to ensue. If she does become a bestie, you will likely have to deal w/ her shit which will really suck.

Obvi no one would willingly nor knowingly befriend such foul peop but these traits don't come out until much lates. So these are the signs to watch for when adding a new pers to your bestie circle, group, whatevs. If you notice these traits in someone, that is your cue to back it up and keep them at acquaintence level. Keep this in mind when you think you meet a really cool pers in one of your nevs know who they really are!!

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